Human Rights Symposium in Hiroshima Foreigners and Human Rights — Achieving a Pleasant Society with Mutual Recognition — ~ Upcoming! (Free Admission)

Approximately 23,000,000 people entered Japan from overseas during 2016, and the number of foreign residents was approximately 2,380,000 at the end of the year. Both numbers marked record highs. In 2020, when Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will take place, Japanese nationals will interact with foreign visitors more frequently. However, Japan is currently facing various human-rights issues involving foreigners, such as discrimination and bullying due to differences in languages, cultures, religions and customs. We have to reach a deeper understanding of different cultures and shape society in a way that respects all human rights, including foreign visitors. It is important to realize a society where “no one will be left behind”—the ideal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in September 2015. In this context, the symposium invites experts working to support people from other countries and multicultural co-existence to promote discussion about what is required for a mutual understanding of the differences between Japanese and non-Japanese.
1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (open: 12:30 p.m.), Saturday, January 27, 2018
International Conference Hall “Himawari,” International Conference Center Hiroshima
(Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, 1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima)
○ Part 1: Talk show: Mr. Sunny Francis (TV/radio personality)
○ Part 2: 1) Keynote report: “Achieving a pleasant society with mutual recognition of differences”
Mr. Katsuyuki Kuribayashi, Director of Asian
Ms. Katherine Ueda, Director of Katerina English School
Mr. Takaharu Hayashi, President of Avance Corporation Limited
Taro Tamura, Representative Director of Institute for Human Diversity Japan
○ Part 2:2) Panel Discussion
The coordinator and the panelists remain at the podium for a discussion.
■Attendance requirements
Anyone can join.
Capacity: 200 people(Advance application required. Applications accepted on a first-come basis.)
※We will stop accepting applications when the capacity has been reached.
※You can participate on the day of the symposium only if there are vacancies.
Sign language interpretation, subtitles and descriptions for hearing-impaired people, and simultaneous interpretation are provided.
●How to apply
Advance application required.(Application deadline: 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 26, 2018)
By e-mail
Write “Application for Human Rights Symposium in Hiroshima” in the subject line, include the following and send an e-mail to the address below. We will send an admission ticket as a PDF document to the e-mail address of the sender. Application e-mail address:
1) company (group) / department,
2) full name,
3) phone number,
4) Check “Wish to receive e-mail newsletters” only if it is your preference.
By FAX/Mail
Use the application form to the right: ⇒ flyer/application form (PDF)
※*You can view videos of past human rights symposiums on YouTube. Visit jinkenchannel on YouTube.
Application and inquiries
Secretariat for Human Rights Symposium in Hiroshima, Center for Human Rights Education and Training
4F, KDX Shibadaimon Building, 2-10-12 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012
TEL 03-5777-1802 / FAX 03-5777-1803